
Drawing School

Winter Classes


Drawing classes and Fine Arts curriculum span the entire school year. Classes meet once a week and are ongoing from September through June, followed by a summer program. The Academic School Year is divided into three 12-week trimesters. Consistent participation is encouraged to maximize artistic skill building and confidence. Full trimester tuition, a $35 non-refundable Annual Registration Fee, and a completed registration form are required to hold student’s place in class. Students may enroll at any time during the year if there is availability.


12/2/24 Monday — First day of Winter trimester classes
12/23/24-1/5/25 — NO classes for Winter Break

1/6/25 Monday — Classes resume after Winter break
1/20/25 Martin Luther King Day — All classes held as normal

2/3/25 Monday — Spring Re-Registration for CURRENT students begins
2/3/25 Monday — Summer Workshop Registration for ALL students begins
2/10/25 Monday — Spring Registration for NEW students begins
2/17/25-2/23/25 — NO classes for February break
2/24/25 Monday — Classes resume after February break

MARCH 2025

3/15/25 Saturday — Last day of Winter trimester
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Wednesday, September 4 through Tuesday, November 26

Monday December 2 through Saturday, March 15

Monday March 17 through Monday, June 16 (last Saturday class 6/21)
Click to expand for daily schedule.

Monday Winter Schedule

MONDAY Age Range Class Time Location Tuition Status
HomeSchool Drawing 2 8 yrs old & up 10 - 11:30am Simultaneous $460 OPEN
Adult Acrylic Painting Teens and Adult 12:30 - 2:30pm In - Studio $380 OPEN
HomeSchool Drawing 2 8 yrs old & up 1 - 2:30pm Online $450 OPEN
Intermediate 1 9 yrs old to Adult 4 - 5:30pm Simultaneous $460 OPEN
Meet the Masters 8 yrs old & up 4 - 5:30pm Online $450 OPEN
Beginners 5 - 6.5 yrs old 4:30 - 5:30pm Simultaneous $355 OPEN
Basic 1 6.5 - 7.5 yrs old 6 - 7pm Simultaneous $355 OPEN
Basic 2 7.5 - 9 yrs old 6 - 7pm Online $345 OPEN
Mixed Media & Painting 12 yrs old to Adult 6 - 8pm In - Studio $480 OPEN
Printmaking 12 yrs old to Adult 6 - 8pm In - Studio $480 OPEN

Tuesday Winter Schedule

TUESDAY Age Range Class Time Location Tuition Status
Adult Portrait Drawing Teens and Adult 10:30am - 12:30pm Simultaneous $355 OPEN
Adult Watercolor Painting Teens and Adult 1 - 3pm In - Studio $380 OPEN
Watercolor Painting 11 yrs old to Adult 4 - 5:30pm In - Studio $480 OPEN
Faces, Figures & Figures 12 yrs old to Adult 4 - 5:30pm Simultaneous $470 OPEN
Intermediate 1 9 yrs old to Adult 4 - 5:30pm Simultaneous $460 OPEN
Beginners 5 - 6.5 yrs old 4:30 - 5:30pm In - Studio $355 OPEN
Basic 1 6.5 - 7.5 yrs old 6 - 7pm In - Studio $355 FULL
Intermediate 2 10 yrs old to Adult 6 - 7:30pm Simultaneous $460 OPEN
Intro to Painting for Kids 10 yrs old & up 6 - 7:30pm In - Studio $480 OPEN
The Art Year 12 yrs old & up 6 - 8pm In - Studio $480 CLOSED

Wednesday Winter Schedule

WEDNESDAY Age Range Class Time Location Tuition Status
HomeSchool Drawing 1 5 - 8.5 yrs old 1 - 2pm Online $355 OPEN
Adult Drawing 1 Teens and Adult 1 - 3pm Simultaneous $480 OPEN
Intermediate 2 10 yrs old to Adult 4 - 5:30pm Simultaneous $460 OPEN
Basic 2 7.5 - 9 yrs old 4:30 - 5:30pm Simultaneous $355 OPEN
Intro to Portrait Drawing 11 yrs old to Adult 6 - 7:30pm Simultaneous $460 OPEN
Intermediate 1 9 yrs old to Adult 6 - 7:30pm Simultaneous $460 ONLINE OPEN

Thursday Winter Schedule

THURSDAY Age Range Class Time Location Tuition Status
HomeSchool Drawing 2 5 - 8.5 yrs old 11am - 12pm Simultaneous $355 OPEN
Adult Studio Art Teens and Adult 12:30 - 2:30pm In - Studio $380 OPEN
Adult Oil Painting Teens and Adult 12:30 - 2:30pm In - Studio $380 OPEN
Colored Pencil Drawing 12 yrs old to Adult 4 - 5:30pm Simultaneous $460 OPEN
Manga 1 10 yrs old & up 4:30 - 5:30pm Simultaneous $355 FULL
Intermediate 1 9 yrs old to Adult 4:30 - 6pm Online $460 OPEN
Manga 1x 11 yrs old & up 6 - 7:30pm Simultaneous $460 OPEN
Manga 2 12 yrs old & up 6 - 8pm Simultaneous $480 OPEN
Portfolio Development 15 yrs old & up 6 - 8pm In - Studio $480 OPEN
Advanced Studio Art 15 yrs old & up 6 - 8pm In - Studio $480 OPEN

Friday Winter Schedule

FRIDAY Age Range Class Time Location Tuition Status
Adult Beginner Pastel Drawing Teens and Adult 9 - 11am Online $265 OPEN
Adult Intro to Painting Teens and Adult 12:30 - 2:30pm In - Studio $380 OPEN
Adult Drawing 2 Teens and Adult 1 - 3pm Simultaneous $480 OPEN
Beginners 5 - 6.5 yrs old 4 - 5pm Simultaneous $355 OPEN
Cartooning & Chibi 8 yrs old & up 4:30 - 5:30pm Simultaneous $355 FULL
Intro to Procreate 12 yrs old to Adult 4:30 - 6pm In - Studio $460 OPEN
Basic 1 6.5 - 7.5 yrs old 5:30 - 6:30pm Simultaneous $355 OPEN
Portrait Painting 14 yrs old to Adult 5:30 - 8pm In - Studio $520 OPEN
Drawing for Teens 12.5 - 19 yrs old 6 - 7:30pm Simultaneous $460 OPEN
Basic 2 7.5 - 9 yrs old 7 - 8pm Simultaneous $355 OPEN

Saturday Winter Schedule

SATURDAY Age Range Class Time Location Tuition Status
Intermediate 1 9 yrs old to Adult 9 - 10:30am Simultaneous $460 FULL
Manga 1 10 yrs old & up 9 - 10am Simultaneous $355 OPEN
Basic 1 6.5 - 7.5 yrs old 9 - 10am In - Studio $355 OPEN
Cartooning & Chibi 8 yrs old & up 10:30 - 11:30am Simultaneous $355 FULL
Beginners 5 - 6.5 yrs old 10:30 - 11:30am In - Studio $355 OPEN
Sketchbooking 12 yrs old to Adult 11am - 12pm Simultaneous $355 OPEN
Basic 2 7.5 - 9 yrs old 12 - 1pm In - Studio $355 FULL
Charcoal & Pastel 13 yrs old to Adult 12 - 2pm In - Studio $480 OPEN
Drawing, Dungeons & Dragons - 1 12 yrs old & up 12:30 - 3:30pm In - Studio $495 OPEN
Drawing, Dungeons & Dragons - 2 12 yrs old & up 12:30 - 3:30pm In - Studio $495 OPEN
Oil Painting 1 13 yrs old to Adult 2:30 - 5pm In - Studio $520 FULL
Cartooning 2 10 yrs old & up 4 - 5:30pm Simultaneous $460 OPEN
Oil Painting 2 14 yrs old to Adult 5:30 - 8pm In - Studio $520 FULL
Advanced Painting 14 yrs old to Adult 5:30 - 8pm In - Studio $520 FULL
Polar Bear Drawing

Drawing classes for kids, teens, and adults

Chibi Drawing

Manga, Cartooning, and Drawing, Dungeons & Dragons

Pastel Bird Drawing

Separate daytime classes for
adults & homeschooled kids and teens

Still life oil painting

Painting, printmaking, portrait, sculpture, etc…

A number of our classes are available both IN-STUDIO and ONLINE. We refer to these classes as SIMULTANEOUS because they are presented to both in-studio and online students at the same time.

Cartooning Art Class
• IN-STUDIO — Live, in-studio classes limited to ten students with three-foot minimum spacing
• ONLINE — Dedicated online classes that are only available online at that time.
• SIMULTANEOUS — are live, in-studio classes that are simultaneously streamed online via Zoom.
Simultaneous students must choose either studio or online. Switching may not be possible.

Not sure what class to register your student for next? Try consulting this flow chart.

Do keep in mind minimum age requirements.

Students should stay in the same class for at least one (1) FULL year before moving up to the next level.

Email with any questions.
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FALL REGISTRATION begins mid July each summer and every spot in all classes is open for registration.
ActonArt does not provide any guaranteed placement for former/current students during the Fall trimester registration period.

During the WINTER AND SPRING registration periods, students who are currently attending classes are guaranteed placement in those same classes if they choose to continue in class. A re-registration period will begin approximately one week prior to classes opening to new students giving current students time to commit for the next trimester. Once the re-registration period ends classes are opened to new students and all remaining spots may be filled. Students who fail to re-register during the guaranteed period may lose their place in class.

SUMMER SESSIONS, like the Fall trimester, are fully open to anyone and no placements are guaranteed to former/current students.

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ActonArt: 69 Great Rd, Acton, MA 01720 * 978-266-1600 *

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