
Drawing School


Art Supplies (for online classes)

Order online for home delivery!
* IN-STUDIO tuition includes all needed art supplies. Students attending in-studio classes do not need to acquire any additional supplies unless they prefer to use different materials than what we provide in the studio.

* ONLINE class students must acquire their own supplies. We have created a linked purchase list for Dick Blick Art Materials, a company we consider to be a reliable and good value merchant. You are also welcome to order supplies from any other source that you prefer. We recommend the products we've listed as very good quality for the price. ActonArt does not receive any commission from Blick or any other suppliers. Our online class tuition has been reduced accordingly to compensate for the supply costs normally allocated for each class.

THE SUPPLY LISTS BELOW are arranged by named classes. Simply look for your class name and purchase any supplies that you may need. You may substitute any supplies that feel are appropriate.

african man portrait


Click on your class in the list below to display a drop-down list of needed supplies. Each item is linked to a page on Dick Blick Art Materials web site. You can purchase directly on those pages. Optional supplies are not required to complete any projects during the trimester. They are listed for anyone who wishes to purchase additional supplies.

If you already have supplies that are comparable to what is listed below, it is not necessary that you acquire anything new.

Email with questions about supplies or substitutions.

Charcoal & Pastel Drawing
Colored Pencil Drawing
Manga Drawing 1, 1X & 2
Natural Science Illustration
Oil Painting 1 & 2
You can order the following items online by clicking on the links below:

2B Graphite Pencil
White Plastic Eraser
Oil Paints: 1 each
Artisan Yellow Ochre
Artisan Paynes Gray
Artisan Indian Red
Artisan Zinc White
Acrylic Brush Set
Palette Pad
8"x10" Primed Masonite Panels (3 ea for regular class, 2 each for adult class)
11"x14" Primed Masonite Panels (3 ea for regular class, 2 each for adult class)
Liquin Medium
Turpenoid Solvent

(optional supplies)
Additional Paint: Permanent Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Hue, Cadmium Yellow Light, Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Orange Hue, Dioxazine Purple, Phthalo Green (blue shade), Phthalo Blue (red shade), Permanent Sap Green, French Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue Hue, Titanium White, Burnt Umber, Ivory Black — color price varies 5.00 to 9.00
Watercolor Painting
Portrait Painting
You can order the following items online by clicking on the links below:

2B Graphite Pencil
White Plastic Eraser
Oil Paints: 1 each
Artisan Yellow Ochre
Artisan Paynes Gray
Artisan Indian Red
Artisan Zinc White
Acrylic Brush Set
Palette Pad
8"x10" Primed Masonite Panels (3 ea for regular class, 2 each for adult class)
11"x14" Primed Masonite Panels (3 ea for regular class, 2 each for adult class)
Liquin Medium
Turpenoid Solvent

(optional supplies)
Additional Paint: Permanent Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Hue, Cadmium Yellow Light, Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Orange Hue, Dioxazine Purple, Phthalo Green (blue shade), Phthalo Blue (red shade), Permanent Sap Green, French Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue Hue, Titanium White, Burnt Umber, Ivory Black — color price varies 5.00 to 9.00
Ink & Scratchboard Drawing
Cartooning & Chibi
Creating Comics
Dungeons, Dragons & Drawing
Advanced Painting
You can order the following items online by clicking on the links below:

2B Graphite Pencil
Pencil Sharpener
White Plastic Eraser
Oil Paints: 1 each
Artisan Yellow Ochre
Artisan Paynes Gray
Artisan Indian Red
Artisan Zinc White
Acrylic Paint Set 6 tubes
Acrylic Brush Set
Palette Pad
8"x10" Primed Masonite Panels (4 needed)
11"x14" Primed Masonite Panels (4 needed)
Liquin Medium
Turpenoid Solvent

(optional supplies)
Artist Masking tape
Recommended Additional Paint: Permanent Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Hue, Cadmium Yellow Light, Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Orange Hue, Dioxazine Purple, Phthalo Green (blue shade), Phthalo Blue (red shade), Permanent Sap Green, French Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue Hue, Titanium White, Burnt Umber, Ivory Black — color price varies
Graphite Techniques
Ink Techniques

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Learn to Paint this Fall!